Mother's Day Crafts - Egg Carton Tulips
- Cardboard egg carton
- Scissors
- Paint
- Green pipe cleaners
1. Use scissors to cut the segments out of the egg carton. You should now have separate cup shapes.
2. Cut the edges of the cups into tulip-like shapes.
3. Use scissors or a pencil to punch a hole in the bottom of each cardboard tulip blossom.
4. Poke a pipe cleaner up through the hole and bend it to keep the tulip bloom from slipping off.
5. Paint the tulips in all sorts of bright colors.
Framed Hand Prints
Mothers love their children's hand prints, and anything made from them. Here is an idea for a framed piece of Mother's Day artwork that will make Mom smile.
- Store-bought picture frame, any size - but think big for toddlers to have room to work
- White art paper or poster board
- Finger paints
- Green marker
- Construction paper
- Glue
1. Cut the white paper to fit inside the frame.
2. Cut out a basic vase or bowl shape from any color construction paper.
3. Glue the vase shape onto the bottom half of the white paper.
4. Let the toddler(s) make hand prints using the finger paint. Try to make sure the hand prints are generally above the vase shape, on the top half of the paper. Use several colors.
5. After the hand prints have dried, use the green marker to draw stems from each hand print to the construction paper vase. Try to make it appear as if the flowers are in the vase.
6. Place the piece into the frame.
Decorative "Stone"
- Modeling clay that will become hard and permanent upon drying, either air-dry or the sort that will dry in a home oven
- Craft paints or acrylic paints
- Permanent marker
1. Take a large lump of clay and form it into a rough, stone-like shape.
2. Have the toddler press his or her hands into the clay to make two hand prints.
3. Dry the clay.
4. When the clay is hard, let your toddler paint the decorative stone in colors he or she likes.
5. On the bottom of the stone, write the date and the occasion with the permanent marker.